Valley of Flowers Tour Packages
Nestled in the lap of the Himalayas, the Valley of Flowers is a paradise on earth. This UNESCO World Heritage site is renowned for its breathtaking meadows, filled with vibrant, colorful blooms and a rich variety of flora. Choosing the right tour package can enhance your experience, making your journey hassle-free and more enjoyable.

Valley of Flowers Trek with Hemkund Sahib Package

Exploring the Valley of Flowers Trek with Hemkund Sahib Package offers a unique blend of natural beauty and spiritual enlightenment. This package typically includes a guided trek to both destinations, providing an enriching experience.

Highlights of the Trek

The trek to the Valley of Flowers is moderate in difficulty, spanning approximately 17 kilometers from Govindghat to the valley. Along the way, trekkers can witness cascading waterfalls, dense forests, and a diverse range of flora.

Religious Significance of Hemkund Sahib

Hemkund Sahib, a revered Sikh pilgrimage site, is located at an altitude of 4,632 meters. The serene Hemkund Lake, surrounded by seven snow-capped peaks, adds to the spiritual ambiance of the location.

Ideal Itinerary

  • Day 1: Arrival at Govindghat
  • Day 2: Trek to Ghangaria
  • Day 3: Visit Hemkund Sahib
  • Day 4: Explore the Valley of Flowers
  • Day 5: Return to Govindghat

Valley of Flowers Package by Helicopter

For those seeking a luxurious and time-efficient option, the Valley of Flowers package by helicopter is ideal. This package allows visitors to bypass the strenuous trek and enjoy aerial views of the magnificent landscape.

Overview of the Helicopter Service

Helicopter services operate from Dehradun and Phata, providing a swift and scenic journey to the Valley of Flowers. This service is perfect for travelers with limited time or physical constraints.

Benefits of Choosing a Helicopter Package

  • Saves time and effort
  • Provides stunning aerial views
  • Ensures a comfortable journey

Suggested Travel Plan

  • Day 1: Helicopter ride to Ghangaria
  • Day 2: Visit the Valley of Flowers
  • Day 3: Return by helicopter

Valley of Flowers Tour Package from Haridwar

Valley of Flowers Tour Package from Haridwar - Starting your journey in Haridwar, a significant pilgrimage city, adds a cultural touch to your adventure. This package includes travel arrangements from Haridwar to the Valley of Flowers.

Starting Your Journey in Haridwar

Haridwar, known for its ghats and temples, serves as a spiritual gateway to the Valley of Flowers. The tour often includes a brief stay in Haridwar to explore its cultural heritage.

Detailed Itinerary

  • Day 1: Arrival in Haridwar
  • Day 2: Travel to Govindghat
  • Day 3: Trek to Ghangaria
  • Day 4: Explore the Valley of Flowers
  • Day 5: Return to Haridwar

Key Attractions en Route

  • Devprayag: The confluence of Alaknanda and Bhagirathi rivers
  • Rudraprayag: Scenic views and temples
  • Joshimath: A hub for trekkers and pilgrims

Valley of Flowers Tour Package from Delhi

For travelers starting from the national capital, a comprehensive Valley of Flowers tour package from Delhi covers all necessary arrangements, ensuring a seamless journey.

Travel Options from Delhi

Travelers can choose between trains, buses, or private vehicles to reach Haridwar or directly to Govindghat. Flights to Dehradun are also an option.

Comprehensive Tour Plan

  • Day 1: Travel from Delhi to Haridwar
  • Day 2: Proceed to Govindghat
  • Day 3: Trek to Ghangaria
  • Day 4: Visit the Valley of Flowers
  • Day 5: Return to Delhi

Major Stops and Sights

  • Haridwar: Pilgrimage sites and local markets
  • Rishikesh: Adventure sports and yoga retreats
  • Govindghat: Starting point of the trek

Valley of Flowers Tour Package from Govindghat

Valley of Flowers Package from Govindghat - Starting from Govindghat, the nearest accessible point to the Valley of Flowers, is a popular option among trekkers.

Importance of Govindghat as a Starting Point

Govindghat is a crucial base camp for trekkers heading to the Valley of Flowers and Hemkund Sahib. It is well-connected by road and offers basic amenities for travelers.

Trekking Route Details

  • Day 1: Trek from Govindghat to Ghangaria (14 km)
  • Day 2: Visit the Valley of Flowers
  • Day 3: Optional visit to Hemkund Sahib
  • Day 4: Return to Govindghat

What to Expect Along the Way

Expect stunning landscapes, a variety of flora and fauna, and a peaceful trekking experience. The route is dotted with small eateries and resting points.

Valley of Flowers with Auli and Chopta

Combining your visit to the Valley of Flowers with trips to Auli and Chopta adds an adventurous twist to your journey. These destinations offer a mix of skiing, trekking, and natural beauty.

Highlights of Auli and Chopta

  • Auli: Known for its ski resorts and cable car rides, Auli offers panoramic views of the Himalayan ranges.
  • Chopta: Often referred to as the "Mini Switzerland of India," Chopta is famous for its meadows and the Tungnath Temple trek.

Ideal Travel Schedule

  • Day 1: Arrival in Govindghat
  • Day 2: Trek to Ghangaria
  • Day 3: Explore the Valley of Flowers
  • Day 4: Travel to Auli
  • Day 5: Enjoy activities in Auli
  • Day 6: Proceed to Chopta
  • Day 7: Trek to Tungnath Temple and Chandrashila
  • Day 8: Return to Govindghat

Best Time to Visit the Valley of Flowers

The best time to visit the Valley of Flowers is during the monsoon season, from late June to early September, when the flowers are in full bloom.

Seasonal Variations

  • Spring (April to June): Snow begins to melt, and the valley starts to awaken.
  • Monsoon (July to September): Peak blooming season.
  • Autumn (October to November): Cooler weather, fewer flowers but clearer skies.

Recommended Visiting Months

Late June to early September is ideal for experiencing the valley in its full glory.

Weather Conditions to Expect

Expect moderate to heavy rainfall during the monsoon. Carry appropriate rain gear and be prepared for occasional chilly weather.

What to Pack for Your Valley of Flowers Tour

Packing wisely ensures a comfortable and safe trekking experience.

Essential Items

  • Valid ID proof
  • First-aid kit
  • Trekking pole

Clothing Recommendations

  • Waterproof jackets and pants
  • Thermal wear for chilly nights
  • Comfortable trekking shoes

Trekking Gear

  • Backpack with rain cover
  • Water bottles and purification tablets
  • Snacks and energy bars

Accommodation Options

The Valley of Flowers region offers various accommodation options to suit different budgets.

Types of Accommodation Available

  • Budget hotels and guesthouses in Govindghat and Ghangaria
  • Luxury hotels in Joshimath
  • Campsites along the trekking route

Recommendations Based on Budget

  • Budget: Guesthouses in Ghangaria
  • Mid-range: Hotels in Joshimath
  • Luxury: Resorts in Auli

Booking Tips

Book accommodations well in advance, especially during peak season. Consider booking through reputable travel agencies for reliable services.

Local Cuisine to Try

Sampling local cuisine adds to the cultural experience of your journey.

Popular Local Dishes

  • Aloo ke Gutke: Spicy potato dish
  • Chainsoo: Black gram dal
  • Kafuli: Spinach curry

Food Recommendations for Trekkers

Opt for high-energy foods like nuts, dried fruits, and local snacks. Stay hydrated and carry portable water bottles.

Where to Eat

Local dhabas and eateries in Govindghat and Ghangaria offer a variety of local and Indian dishes.

Cultural Insights

Understanding the local culture enriches your travel experience.

Understanding the Local Culture

The region is predominantly inhabited by Garhwali people, known for their hospitality and traditional lifestyles.

Festivals and Events

  • Nanda Devi Raj Jat: A significant pilgrimage and cultural event
  • Basant Panchami: Celebrated with great enthusiasm

Interaction with Locals

Respect local customs and traditions. Engage with locals to learn about their way of life and stories of the valley.

Travel Tips for a Hassle-Free Experience

A few handy tips can make your journey smoother and more enjoyable.

Safety Tips

  • Stay on marked trails
  • Inform someone about your trekking plans
  • Carry a map and compass

Health Precautions

  • Acclimatize properly to avoid altitude sickness
  • Stay hydrated and well-nourished
  • Carry essential medications

General Advice for Travelers

  • Travel light
  • Respect the environment
  • Be prepared for sudden weather changes

Sustainable Tourism Practices

Practicing sustainable tourism ensures the preservation of the valley's natural beauty.

Importance of Sustainability

Sustainable tourism helps protect the fragile ecosystem of the Valley of Flowers.

How to Minimize Your Environmental Impact

  • Avoid using plastic
  • Carry reusable water bottles
  • Leave no trace behind

Supporting Local Communities

Buy local products and hire local guides. This supports the local economy and promotes cultural exchange.


The Valley of Flowers is a treasure trove of natural beauty and cultural richness. Choosing the right tour package, whether it includes trekking, helicopter rides, or combined trips with Auli and Chopta, ensures an unforgettable experience. Embrace the journey, respect the environment, and immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of the valley.


What is the best time to visit the Valley of Flowers?
The best time to visit is from late June to early September when the flowers are in full bloom.
How difficult is the Valley of Flowers trek?
The trek is moderately difficult and suitable for individuals with a basic level of fitness.
Can beginners undertake the trek?
Yes, beginners can undertake the trek with proper preparation and guidance.
What are the accommodation options?
Accommodation options range from budget guesthouses to luxury hotels, primarily in Govindghat, Ghangaria, and Joshimath.
Is it safe to travel to the Valley of Flowers?
Yes, it is safe to travel, provided you follow safety guidelines and stay informed about weather conditions.
How to Book Valley of Flowers Tour Packages?
Ofcourse, You can book Valley of Flowers Tour Package  by Call / WhatsApp on 729-0024-809 .

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