Panch Kedar Trek Tour Package

Introduction to Panch Kedar Trek Package

Are you ready for an adventure that combines spirituality, breathtaking scenery, and physical challenge? Join us on the Panch Kedar trek, a journey that takes you through the five abodes of Lord Shiva nestled in the majestic Himalayas. Panch Kedar Trek Package Departing from Haridwar, this trek offers an unforgettable experience that is steeped in mythology and natural beauty.

Historical Significance of Panch Kedar

The Panch Kedar tour Package refers to five sacred temples dedicated to Lord Shiva, each with its unique history and spiritual significance. According to Hindu mythology, these temples are associated with the Pandavas from the Mahabharata. The legend says that after the Kurukshetra war, the Pandavas sought Lord Shiva's blessings to atone for their sins. Shiva, however, eluded them by taking the form of a bull and hiding in the Garhwal region. The five places where different parts of his body appeared are now revered as the Panch Kedar.

Overview of the Panch Kedar Trek

Panch Kedar Trek Tour Package - Embarking on the Panch Kedar trek means preparing for a journey that spans approximately 170 kilometers and takes around 15-20 days to complete. The trek involves a combination of walking through lush valleys, crossing rivers, and climbing rugged mountains. It’s a physically demanding trek, but the spiritual rewards and natural splendor make it worthwhile.

Starting Point: Haridwar

Your journey begins in Haridwar, one of the holiest cities in India. Haridwar, meaning "Gateway to God," is a significant pilgrimage site where the River Ganges exits the Himalayan foothills. Before starting the trek, spend a day in Haridwar to soak in the spiritual atmosphere and prepare for the adventure ahead. Attend the Ganga Aarti at Har Ki Pauri, a beautiful ceremony that will set the tone for your spiritual journey.

First Abode: Kedarnath

Kedarnath is perhaps the most famous of the Panch Kedar temples. Located at an altitude of 3,583 meters, Kedarnath is accessible after a 16 km trek from Gaurikund. The temple, surrounded by snow-capped peaks, is an awe-inspiring sight. Dedicated to Lord Shiva in the form of a hump, Kedarnath holds immense spiritual importance. The trek to Kedarnath is challenging but immensely rewarding with its stunning landscapes and serene environment.

Second Abode: Tungnath

The highest Shiva temple in the world, Tungnath, stands at an altitude of 3,680 meters. It is a 4 km trek from Chopta, often referred to as the ‘Mini Switzerland of India’ due to its verdant meadows and panoramic views. Tungnath is believed to be the place where Lord Shiva’s arms emerged. The trek to Tungnath is relatively easier and offers a chance to witness the rich flora and fauna of the region.

Third Abode: Rudranath

Rudranath, situated at an altitude of 3,559 meters, is the third temple in the Panch Kedar circuit. The trek to Rudranath is about 21 km from Sagar village and passes through dense forests and alpine meadows. This temple is unique as it is dedicated to Lord Shiva’s face. The path to Rudranath is less trodden, offering a tranquil and solitary trekking experience.

Fourth Abode: Madhyamaheshwar

Madhyamaheshwar, also known as Madmaheshwar, is located at an altitude of 3,490 meters. This temple, where Lord Shiva’s navel is worshipped, involves a 19 km trek from Uniana. The trek to Madhyamaheshwar is captivating, with lush green landscapes, cascading waterfalls, and the vibrant culture of the local villages. The serene environment around the temple provides a perfect setting for meditation and introspection.

Fifth Abode: Kalpeshwar

Kalpeshwar, the last temple in the Panch Kedar circuit, is situated at an altitude of 2,200 meters. It is the easiest to access, with a 10 km trek from Helang. Kalpeshwar is unique as it is the only Panch Kedar temple that remains open throughout the year. Here, Lord Shiva is worshipped in the form of his matted hair. The trek to Kalpeshwar is short but filled with scenic beauty and offers an opportunity to witness the simplicity of Himalayan life.

Scenic Beauty and Wildlife

The Panch Kedar trek is not just about spiritual fulfillment; it also offers a visual feast of natural beauty. As you traverse through the trails, you will encounter diverse landscapes ranging from lush forests and sparkling rivers to snow-covered peaks. The region is rich in wildlife, including musk deer, Himalayan black bears, and a variety of bird species. Keep your camera ready to capture the stunning vistas and wildlife encounters.

Cultural Experiences

One of the highlights of the Panch Kedar trek is the chance to immerse yourself in the local culture. The villages along the trek route are inhabited by the Garhwali people, known for their warm hospitality. You can learn about their traditions, partake in local festivals, and even stay in traditional homes. This cultural exchange enriches your trekking experience and provides a deeper understanding of the region’s heritage.

Best Time to Undertake the Panch Kedar Trek

The ideal time to embark on the Panch Kedar trek is between May and October. During these months, the weather is favorable, with clear skies and moderate temperatures. Monsoon season (July and August) should be avoided due to the risk of landslides. The post-monsoon period, especially September and October, offers lush green landscapes and blooming flowers, making the trek even more beautiful.

Preparation and Packing Tips

Preparing for the Panch Kedar trek involves ensuring you are physically fit and well-equipped. Regular cardio and strength training exercises will help build the stamina needed for the trek. Essential gear includes sturdy trekking boots, a warm sleeping bag, layered clothing, a first aid kit, and a reliable backpack. Don’t forget to carry sufficient water and high-energy snacks to keep you fueled throughout the journey.

Safety Considerations

Safety is paramount when undertaking the Panch Kedar trek. Here are some tips to ensure a safe trekking experience:
  • Always trek with a group or a local guide.
  • Inform someone about your trekking plan and estimated return date.
  • Acclimatize properly to prevent altitude sickness.
  • Stay hydrated and take regular breaks.
  • Be aware of weather forecasts and avoid trekking during adverse conditions.
  • Carry a fully charged phone and a portable charger.


The Panch Kedar trek is a transformative journey that combines spiritual enlightenment, natural beauty, and physical challenge. Starting from the holy city of Haridwar, this trek takes you to the sacred abodes of Lord Shiva, each with its unique charm and significance. Whether you are seeking spiritual solace, an adventure in nature, or a blend of both, the Panch Kedar trek promises an unforgettable experience. Lace up your trekking boots, pack your bags, and get ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime. Plan for Panch Kedar Trek Package?  If yes, just Fill the Enquiry Form OR Call / WhatsApp on +91-729-0024-809. Having 8+ years' of Experience in Pilgrimage Tour.


1. How difficult is the Panch Kedar trek?

The Panch Kedar trek is considered moderately difficult. It requires a good level of physical fitness and stamina due to the long distances and high altitudes involved.

2. Can beginners undertake the Panch Kedar trek?

While it is possible for beginners to complete the trek, it is advisable to have some prior trekking experience and to be well-prepared physically.

3. What kind of accommodation is available during the trek?

Accommodation options include guesthouses, homestays, and tents. In some remote areas, you may need to stay in basic lodges or camp.

4. Is it safe to trek during the monsoon season?

Trekking during the monsoon season is not recommended due to the increased risk of landslides and slippery paths. The best time to trek is between May and October, avoiding the peak monsoon months.

5. What should I pack for the Panch Kedar trek?

Essential items to pack include sturdy trekking boots, layered clothing, a sleeping bag, a first aid kit, water bottles, energy snacks, a flashlight, and a trekking pole. It’s also important to carry personal identification and sufficient cash.

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